Monday, January 30, 2012

I Love The Night

My Outfit for You :)


Shape : .::TC::. My Shape.
Skin: Style by Kira - Elora Skin 03M  (XYROOM Exclusive)neww Available at 1st. February!
Hair: >TRUTH<Andrea -  black & whites
Top: - piccara -  Lined Blouse (XYROOM Exclusive)neww Available at 1st. February!
Pents: .:cheeky:. lowrise zipped Jeans! darkblue neww
           Slip: *HolliPocket*Drop Em' Sweety Panties-Coal
tattoo:  -ZR- Zombie Attack (XYROOM)neww Available at 1st. February!
Gloves:  Izzie's - Leather Gloves
Bracelets:  NIKITA :: BANGLES black and silver Available on Xstreet
Earrings:  [MANDALA] :SENJYU Earrings/BLACK HOLE
 piercings: Cobrahive - Gauged 
                                   Cobrahive - N-Swirl                     
                         Shoes: *COCO*EngineerBoots_Black